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  1. API response

  2. Are all economies participating in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)?

  3. Are Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS) data stock or flow?

  4. Are exports in the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics (BOP/IIP) database recorded on an FOB or CIF basis?

  5. Are foreign direct investment positions included in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) database?

  6. Are holdings of domestic securities covered in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) database?

  7. Are loans included in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) database?

  8. Are reserve assets included in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) database and how?

  9. Are securities that a resident economy acquires from a nonresident as collateral under a reverse repurchase agreement or a securities lending agreement included in the resident economy’s Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)?

  10. Are securities that a resident holder provides to a nonresident as collateral under a repurchase agreement or a securities lending agreement included in the resident economy’s Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) database?

  11. Are there higher frequency data available for government finance statistics?

  12. Attribute

  13. BOP/IIP: Accessing data vintages and print-ready data tables (PDF)

  14. BPM6 historical data release

  15. Browser Compatibility

  16. Bulk Download

  17. Bulk Download: How to extract and view data in Excel?

  18. Can transactions be derived from the position data in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)?

  19. Composition of Current Statistical Groups and Aggregates

  20. Control Wheel

  21. Country Authorities Reporting Data

  22. CPI-COICOP Database

  23. CST: Request for clarification

  24. data revisions

  25. Data Services

  26. Data services: how to get the code of a dataset and a list of all dimensions and elements?

  27. Data Table / Data Report

  28. Data Topics

  29. Dataset

  30. Dataset Portal

  31. DGI/PGI

  32. different values for the columns/tooltips for the GFS data

  33. Do I need an account to access free IMF Data?

  34. Do you have Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) data for individual countries?

  35. Do you have more detailed information that is not published in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)?

  36. Does the IMF carries bilateral trade data by commodity?

  37. DOT: Accessing data vintages and print-ready data tables (PDF)

  38. Export Data: How to Bulk Download

  39. EZProxy: How to configure on the User side

  40. FAQ: Transitioning to

  41. FAS: What is mobile money? How is it different from mobile banking?

  42. Finding Data using Concept Codes

  43. General data request

  44. GFS: Accessing data vintages and print-ready data tables (PDF)

  45. Government Balance Sheet (Video Tutorial)

  46. Government Revenue Statistics (Video Tutorial)

  47. Group

  48. Hierarchy

  49. How are reserve assets valued in the International Financial Statistics (IFS)?

  50. How do I cite the FAS database?

  51. How do I get the underlying data in a table or a chart?

  52. How is portfolio investment defined in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)?

  53. How many years are covered in the FAS?

  54. How often are Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS) data updated?

  55. How often are the data on Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) updated?

  56. How often is the base year of all indices in the International Financial Statistics (IFS) updated?

  57. How to query large datasets with data services?

  58. How to subscribe to data update?

  59. How to Use the API (Python and R)

  60. I am a data compiler. Where do I find instructions on how to complete the FAS questionnaire?

  61. I used to subscribe to eLibrary Data. Will my existing credentials work on the new data site?

  62. IFS publication in PDF file – where to find

  63. IFS: Accessing data vintages and print-ready data tables (PDF)

  64. IFS: Retrieve data

  65. In DOTS, are bilateral trade data seasonally adjusted?

  66. In Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs), what is nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital?

  67. In Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs), what is regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets ratio?

  68. In Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs), what is the nonperforming loans to total gross loans ratio?

  69. In Government Finance Statistics (GFS), what is the difference between accrued and cash values, and can I add up these values or should I prefer one over the other?

  70. In IFS, where can I find exchange rates for countries that joined the Euro?

  71. In the Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), why does summing up a country’s exports to (imports from) its partners not equal a country’s exports to (imports from) the world? How is a country’s total exports to (total imports from) the world calculated?

  72. In the Government Finance Statistics (GFS), what comprises the general government sector (GG) and the central government sector (CG)?

  73. In the International Financial Statistics (IFS) database, do you have seasonally adjusted gross domestic product (GDP)?

  74. Is gold part of foreign exchange reserves data in the Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) dataset?

  75. Is there a breakdown of "other currencies" classification in the Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) dataset?

  76. Is there a list of the Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) data reporters?

  77. Is there a release calendar on when the latest FAS data is published?

  78. JSON RESTful Web Service

  79. Knowledge Base

  80. List of available series and portals

  81. Methodology of Prices, Export Price Index, All Commodities, Index and the currency Denominated

  82. Mobile Access to IMF Data

  83. My Data

  84. Navigation: How to find a dataset from the Home page

  85. Non-IMF related response

  86. Query: How to change database from the query tool

  87. Query: How to change the font and font size?

  88. Query: How to change the number of decimal places?

  89. Query: How to change the units

  90. Query: How to create a Pie chart

  91. Query: How to create a Rating chart

  92. Query: How to create a Table

  93. Query: How to create Area

  94. Query: How to create Bar

  95. Query: How to create Bubble chart

  96. Query: How to create Column

  97. Query: How to create Line

  98. Query: How to create Map

  99. Query: How to create Scatter chart

  100. Query: How to create Spline

  101. Query: How to create Stacked bar

  102. Query: How to create Stacked column

  103. Query: How to create Treemap

  104. Query: How to delete a saved query?

  105. Query: How to export my Query table into Excel

  106. Query: How to find the indicator for which I want data?

  107. Query: How to retrieve longer historical data series for a dataset

  108. Query: How to save queries

  109. Query: How to select multiple indicators

  110. Query: How to select the countries for which I want data?

  111. Query: How to select time and frequencies for which I want data?

  112. Query: How to use it

  113. Regional Economic Outlook Reports (REO)

  114. Release Calendar

  115. Retrieving the Latest Update Date of a Dataset Through Data Services

  116. RMB inclusion in the SDR Basket

  117. SDMX



  120. Search

  121. Search Tips

  122. Search: How to use it?

  123. Sector Classification in Government Finance Statistics (Video Tutorial)

  124. Sectors of Government Finance Statistics (Video Tutorial)

  125. Stocks and Flows (Video Tutorial)

  126. Table: How to export data from Tables

  127. Table: How to select countries for which I want data

  128. Table: How to select indicators for which I want data

  129. Tables in PDF format no longer available

  130. The Difference of Gross and Net Debt (Video Tutorial)

  131. The IMF Data Portal

  132. Using SDMX 2.0 Web Service

  133. Using SDMX 2.1 Web Service

  134. WEO/REO

  135. What accounts for the difference in annual government finance data between the Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and the International Financial Statistics (IFS)?

  136. What are Net Errors and Omissions in Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)?

  137. What are Other Depository Corporations (ODCs)?

  138. What are the components of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data series in International Financial Statistics (IFS)?

  139. What are the FAS indicators?

  140. What determines if a country should be included in the “Export Earnings: Fuel” category in the Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) and the International Financial Statistics (IFS) datasets,

  141. What do “the derived liabilities” tables in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) show?

  142. What does "Not Specified (including Confidential) Data" in Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) mean?

  143. What does central government consolidation and general government consolidation in Government Finance Statistics (GFS) mean?

  144. What does it mean when partner trade data in Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) are estimated?

  145. What does the symbol "C" mean in the Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS) database?

  146. What explains differences between WEO and IFS data and/or the latest data available from the source?

  147. What is a "reporting country" in DOT

  148. What is a repurchase agreement?

  149. What is nominal effective exchange rate (NEER)?

  150. What is real effective exchange rate (REER)?

  151. What is the balance of payments (BOP)?

  152. What is the capital account in the Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)?

  153. What is the Central Bank policy rate?

  154. What is the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)?

  155. What is the current account in the Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)?

  156. What is the definition of gold in the Reserves Template (RT)?

  157. What is the definition of Unallocated Reserves in the Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER)?

  158. What is the discount rate?

  159. What is the earliest period available for the Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) database?

  160. What is the earliest period available for the Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (RT) database?

  161. What is the earliest period available for the Government Finance Statistics (GFS) database?

  162. What is the earliest period available of the Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS) database?

  163. What is the earliest period available of the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) database?

  164. What is the Financial Access Survey (FAS)?

  165. What is the financial account in the Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)?

  166. What is the frequency of the FAS data?

  167. What is the Fund’s legal framework for geographical coverage of data reporting?

  168. What is the International Investment Position (IIP) in the Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)?

  169. What is the Lending Rate?

  170. What is the meaning of negative data in the Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (CDIS)?

  171. What is the meaning of negative entries in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)?

  172. What is the release schedule for Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) data?

  173. What is the release schedule for Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (RT) data?

  174. What is the source of the FAS data?

  175. Where can I find a glossary for the Government Finance Statistics (GFS) database?

  176. Where can I find Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data?

  177. Where can I find metadata information regarding a FAS reporting country?

  178. Where can I find the definitions and concepts used in the FAS?

  179. Where do I find data on private investment?

  180. Where do I find data on sovereign debt?

  181. Where do I find trade data for Taiwan, Province of China, in the Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) database?

  182. Which countries comprise “Export Earnings: Fuel” and “Export Earnings: Non-Fuel” in the Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)?

  183. Which exchange rate is used to convert Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) data into U.S. dollars?

  184. Why are Coordinated Portfolio Investment (CPIS) data collected from the asset side, and what does “derived liabilities” mean?

  185. Why are data from the country ministry of finance data page different from the ones in the Government Finance Statistics (GFS) dataset?

  186. Why are not all countries' data available in the Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (RT) database?

  187. Why are official reserve assets data in the Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (RT) dataset different from the one in the International Financial Statistics (IFS) dataset?

  188. Why are sectoral breakdowns not available for some reporting economies in the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)?

  189. Why are there no metadata for a reporting country?

  190. Why are there sometimes differences between International Investment Position (IIP) and Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) data?

  191. Why do the exports of country A to country B not equal to the imports of country B from country A in the Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) dataset?

  192. Why Fund Accounts, International Liquidity, and Central Bank data recently changed?

  193. Why Government Finance Statistics Manual? (Video Tutorial)

  194. Why is the trade data in the Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS) not consistent with trade data from the national accounts?

  195. Workbook: How to add an attribute (Country, Time, Frequency, etc.) to a Series Tree?

  196. Workbook: How to show additional attributes (Country Name, Indicator Name, Database, etc.)?

  197. Workbooks

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